
Things that Fly
What is in the sea?
Making a cake for Paul
My rabbit
Are you my mother?
My winter Holiday
My family
Shanghai Zoo
The weather in Shanghai
Min and Mog
The weather in Shanghai
If I Were
Jingle bells 2
Jingle bells 1
Down by the station
Let us sing together
How is the weather
Finger family
Bingle 2
lets paint-cat


What is in the sea?

Fill in the blanks.
1. The ______ sprays ink.
2. The shark has ______ teeth.
3. A ______ ______ has a hard shell.
4. A starfish has ______ legs.
5. The ______ has beautiful colours.
6. The lobster has ______ ______.
7. A jellyfish and the angel fish live in ______ ______.
